Friday, 1 February 2013

Rock Sound Analysis...

Why did I choose Rock Sound Magazine?

I chose Rock Sound as one of my magazines to analyse due to the vibrant colours on the front and the articles within the magazine. Also the genre of music that they show within the magazine is similar to what music that I want to put into my magazine. Therefore I shall be taking inspiration from the magazine as I feel that it will help me to make my magazine a success.

I do not like the layout of the left part of the rule of third as it is too bright and does not fit in with the other colours or layout of the magazine. Although it is advertising the other artists within the magazine, I think that they could of used a more pastel colour so that it would not have been too bright, such as blue. However, I do like the positioning of the band and as it is a fairly average positioning of them. However, I do not like where the name of the band is as i think that it should have been lower down on the page. However, I understand why they had to put the writing that far up as they had the positioning of the CD on it. I like the positioning of the mast head as it is traditionally placed and even though the artists heads are covering parts, it is still easily recognisable as to what magazine it is.

I do not like the main image of the band as the members (other than the lead singer) are pushed back behind the singer and I do not like it when the front man is shown to be mainly the only person in the band, and neither do a lot of my target audience. Therefore within my magazine I shall be putting all of the members at a equal distance from the camera. However, if I am able too then I shall just photograph the drummer as the main front cover image as they always get forgotten about within the band and are occasionally seen as the unimportant member.

I like the font of the title of the band, as i think it fits in with the smile on the front mans face as they are both relatively quirky and odd so they collide very well. Also, I like the font of the Mast head, even though I do not like the circle around the 'R' alot, although you can barely see it. Therefore I shall not be using that kind of font for my magazine as it is odd and I do not like the circle. I also like the bold block capital font for the information of the writing, this stands out and is easy to read for the readers and also enables them to understand more about what will be in the magazine even with a quick glance.

Colour Palette
The colour palette for this cover is black, red, yellow and white. I like this choice of colours as it is different to what other magazines would have, as they would normally have three colours, but this magazine has four. I also like the combination of the blue on the strap line and the blue which is hinted on the background of the image, I think that this works really well and ties the cover of the magazine together.

Layout of Contents
I really like that there is the issue number and release month as it highlights which issue is which, just in case that the readers did not see this on the cover of the magazine. I also like that the name of the magazine is printed at the top of the page instead of it being the word 'Contents' as it is obvious that the page is the contents due to the page references and the positioning of the page in the magazine. Also I like that there is a background image as it highlights the obvious main article within the magazine. Also, I like that the rule of thirds applies as it helps the page to be neater, specifically by the writing being on the right, which is not normal, as the writing is normally on the left. Also, I really like that the images are in boxes highlighting double page spreads or posters which are then above two article pieces with the images showing. I like this as it helps to highlight what the most popular or least popular articles within the magazine may be.

Images on the Contents
I really like that the background image refers to an article within the magazine as it shows the clarity of what  the most important article/interview within the magazine is. Also I like that the image is in referral to a live show, which i know that my target audience are very interested in what the shows that they were unable to make it to were like. Also, I like that the double page spreads are highlighted in the rectangular boxes and that there are only two. I like the poses within these images as they are all members shown equally within the band (which i know that my audience would appreciate that). Also, i like that the images below have been cut and pasted onto the magazine, as it still looks neat but it helps to put a bit more information on the page so that it doesn't look too empty or boring. I also like that the poses that they are pulling are natural and comfortable. I also like that the images refer to the text at the side of the page.

Fonts on the Contents
I like that the font which says 'Rock Sound' is bold and not too large, but still noticeable. I think that it is a really good technique to use and would work effectively within my magazine. I also like that the font at the top is the same as the font on the right with the band names as it clearly highlights what bands are in the issue and is very easy to read. However, I am not sure that i like the font that they have used for the information about the articles as it is too small and I would find it hard to read as it is thin as well. I do not think that I am going to use a similar font as I do not want my audience to not be able to read the contents.

Colour Palette of the Contents
I like that the colour palette is simply and only has two colours (white and red) as it is effective with making the writing stand out as the images on the contents are not very bright so it will be easy to read. Also, I like that there is a white background behind two of the images as it helps to highlight them and make them stand out against the dark background. I also like that even though there are only two main colours of red and white, the page is still colourful due to the images on it, such as the band for page 82 in the purple.

Layout of Double Page Spread
I like the layout of the article as even though it has little text, the message is still portrayed clearly and the article is effective. I like that the image of the band is the background and that the text is styled around the member on the left. I would like to use this technique within my article as I think that it is an effective technique and will look good on my piece, although it may be hard to fit the text specifically around my artist, I am going to try it. I also like the positioning of the text 'A Day To Remember' with the block background with writing underneath it. I also like that there is the block background writing on the top of the left page as it gives an introduction to the article. I also like that there is an enlarged quote within the text, I think that this is a good technique and I shall use it if I have an important phrase within my article.

Images on the Double Page Spread
I like the image as it goes across the two pages, I think that this is a very good technique to use as it saves choosing a background colour. Also, I like the shot of the band. In particular the male gaze of the one at the back left (grey shirt) has a male gaze of looking angry, yet his mouth is styled in a comedic way with what you would assume your mouth would look like if you were shouting. Whereas with the man in the middle (Black Top) his male gaze is that he looks happy, yet when you look at his eyes they connote anger or concentration. Also, when looking at the other members of the band you can tell that the overall male gaze is to look angry/shocked which is shown through all of their mouths being open in a specific / slightly similar way.

Fonts on the Double Page Spread
The 'A Day To Remember' print is a version of the bands logo, however, many other bands have this font, and I personally really like this font, so whomever my artist is, I may use it on my double page spread. Similarly to other magazines Rock Sound have used a bold clear font which is easy to read for the title / introduction to the article. Also, they have enlarged the 'Y' which is a traditional aspect of an article. I also really like the font that they have used for the article itself, it is bold, neat and not too thin so it would be easy to read. I am going to use a similar font.

Colour Palette of the Double Page Spread
The main three colours of the article are white, black and light blue. I like this colour scheme as it is not too bold and outrageous, but it still stands out pretty well. Also, I like that the colours do not contrast with the image of the band as I think that it could of been a problem if the colour palette was bright. Also, with the colours not being bright it fits in with my genre of music as pink and bright colours are not associated with the genre and also would not appeal to all of the target audience. I also really like that the blue is only featured within the bands name, therefore highlighting the topic of the band and making it stand out on the image. I like this feature as I feel that it would be very effective and if a potential reader were to flick through the magazine then it would catch their eye.

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