I have creted a twitter account to post some questionnaires and details about my magazine, I am also going to get feedback on some of the posts. I shall link my blog posts to the twitter aswell, and also make my tweets noticable on my blog.
Thursday, 31 January 2013
Fonts I want to use...
Title Fonts.
Action of the time new Font off of: http://www.dafont.com/action-of-the-time-new.fontDecibel Font off of: http://www.dafont.com/decibel.font
American Captain Font off of: http://www.dafont.com/american-captain.font
Tattoo Ink Font off of: http://www.dafont.com/tattoo-ink.font
I have chosen these four fonts for the titles of the pages such as contents. I have chosen these as they stand out and they fit in with the genre of my magazine. This is due to them beinng bold and large (or potentially large). The font that I am most likely to use is the 'Tattoo Ink Font' as I feel that it is the font that links in witht the genre of my Magazine and the type of music that my audience like the most. This is due to the genre of people that will read this are interested in tattoos and body piercings so they will be very familiar with this font, and I am sure that they will like it.
Article Fonts.
this article you can find out…Calibri
Within this article you can find out…Andalus
Within this article you can find out…Book Antiqua
Within this article you can find
out…Century Schoolbook
Analysis of what language I am going to use...
I do not want my audience to feel that they shouldn't read my magazine because they do not understand the language so I shall not be using formal words, however I shall not be using slang unless it collaborates with the theme of the article. I think that this will make my audience want to read the articles more as they would not feel intimidated by the language. Also I shall be using descriptive words to describe everything, especially the live show reviews as I feel that the reader would want a specific explanation of the event.
Production of magazine,
Another Article that I may use...
Architects Review of Daybreaker.
‘The Bitter End’ was a quality start to the album. With the long introduction which could put people off, the quintet throw those who would not agree totally away, with the powerful lyrics even after a fairly dull introduction. However, the pace of the song picks up and slaps you round the face with the image of a committed crowd joining together in chanting the small quantity, but excellent quality of lyrics. A truly powerful song and an overwhelming introduction to the album.
With ‘Alpha Omega’ I can easily predict for it to be amazing to be played live, with the catchy melody a third of the way through, it creates images that the quartet will most likely tear the roof off when it comes to playing that song live, whether it be headlining a concert, or even a small tent at a festival (which would be unlikely).
The guitar skills in ‘These Colours Don't Run’ can blow your mind away; they extend your understanding of the song, which is powerful without fault just like the other songs off of the album. Just like ‘Alpha Omega’ it is most definitely going to be one of the highlights of seeing the band live.
‘Daybreak’ as I predicted is the storm within the album, the lyrics, the vocals, the rhythm and pace are all outstanding. With being the premiere track within the album there is no wonder that this is the song which makes me want to get up and mosh around my dining room even more than the others!
Within ‘Truth be told’ the waved pattern of the pace interrupts the focus of the person listening, as the slow pace does in fact help to show the message, I highly doubt that the ballad form within this genre of music would be a massive hit. However, when the guitar riffs and the pace pick up, it becomes a song which could easily be stuck in your head due to the catchy lyrics every so often within it.
‘Even If You Win, You're Still a Rat’ Wow. What. A. Song. The mind-blowing-breath-taking-jaw-dropping song came as a total shock to me. Yes, the previous tracks had been amazing, but this is a song I would have on repeat for countless days on end and never get tired of it. It is cleverly crafted and exhibited to a point where even other songs on the album do not even seem like they have been created by the same artist.
To me, ‘Outsider Heart’ did not live up to the other songs on the album. This was down to it just not appealing to me, in such a way that the lyrics did not stand out to me. Also, how the rhythm and music were not amazing, but the vocals were up to scratch, as expected. Although parts are catchy and could be part of an excellent live show, I do not predict that it would be a song that most would be really excited to see live. However, with the catchy verses as I listen to it more, it does grow on me, yet I still do not think that it lives up to other songs on the album.
With the slow paced ballad ‘Behind the Throne’ I was not sure of my opinion at first, but then I listened to it again, and it helped me realise the risk that the band was taking. The vocals when Sam cuts into his own singing with a rougher tone are brilliant, it may be similar to what I have previously heard, but he executes it excellently. Throughout the song I was waiting for the pace to suddenly lift to something like their other songs on the album, a style which they have shown before. This did not happen, which lead to disappointment. Therefore, I cannot see it being a massive hit at a live show, just like ‘Outsider Heart’.
‘Devil's Island’ fitted perfectly into the genre and theme of the other songs on the album, again I cannot fault the vocals or talent of the band, it was all brilliant. This song would slot perfectly half way through a set list or a playlist; however, I do not think that it is as good as other songs on the album to be a show opener or closer.
‘Feather of Lead’ has got to be a joint second with ‘Even if you win, you’re still a rat’ for me. As it is easily compatible to the other songs, but has that slight edge over them due to the riffs and catchy lyrics, I cannot fault it. It is one of those songs which Architects have managed to conquer, a song which makes you want to mosh around the oddest of places and not care about a thing.
What a perfect way to end the album with ‘Unbeliever’. The ballad was outstanding; this would be the perfect end to a set. The lyrics were so beautiful and meaningful, probably not what you want to here, but trust me, it’s brilliant. The way that the form of the song changes half way through emphasises the meaning and intensity of the song, I cannot fault it. Most definitely my favourite song of the album!
I loved this album and I would recommend anyone who hasn’t listened to it before. I myself was not a fan of the band before listening to this album, but I will definitely be keeping it on my playlist! Totally worth a buy!
9/10 Rating.
An Article that i may use...
The pyrotechnics were astounding. The atmosphere was astounding. The crowd was astounding. The teasing that the band did at the beginning of the concert however was not. My ear drums were bust from the girls screaming getting over excited. Obviously a lot of newcomers who were at their first live show. This was to be expected with the recent gain of fans due to their upcoming ‘fame’.
The night was a success in anybody’s eyes, I even think that the bar staff had a brilliant night, much more than what they would have had if the X-Factor had booked it like they were supposed to. Which of course, the frontman Josh Franceschi did mention. Along with adding that someone had said that ‘Rock music was dead’ and then went on to say ‘Does this look like Rock music is f*cking dead?’ to which, of course, there was a massive roar from the crowd who agreed with him, although I do wish that he’d of defined which part of the rock genre they fitted in with, because obviously they are not heavy rock!
The song choice of the concert was a little bit flimsy. This was due to the band playing a lot of old songs, not just songs off of ‘Sinners Never Sleep’, such as ‘Liquid Confidence’ and ‘Playing the Blame Game’. You could both hear and see that people were not too familiar to their old music, which was a shame to me because I was hoping that the crowd would be in awe that they did old songs, due to them not touching many old songs off of their old albums on the tour in March of 2012.

A highlight was also when Josh said that he wanted nudity in the live video. This immediately caught my attention, as did it the Mother of two 11 year olds in front of me who did not look impressed. But what did she expect? To know that someone has the power to get thousands of people to strip off for a song left me in awe.
Crash. What can I say? I did fall down with the jaw dropping performance of not only the band, but the crowd as well. I will never witness anything like that for a long time!
My rating: 9/10
Colours which I want to use...
I do not want to have bright colours on my work as I do not think that it will tie in with the theme very well. Therefore my colour scheme will be mainly monochrome except the important information on the cover or contents etc. That would be blue as i feel that it is a relatively unisex colour and no one would be bothered about that colour choice.
On the cover of my magazine i am going to chose the background colour according to what the group that i photo and their clothing as i do not want to contrast the colours too much nor do i want the colours to look awful and not attract the audience.
On the cover of my magazine i am going to chose the background colour according to what the group that i photo and their clothing as i do not want to contrast the colours too much nor do i want the colours to look awful and not attract the audience.
Production of magazine,
Metal Hammer Analysis..
Why did i choose Metal Hammer?
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Front Page of Metal Hammer |
I chose Metal Hammer as one of my magazines to analyse due to two reasons, first was due to the music within the magazine, I enjoy the music and a lot of the bands that are shown within the magazine have influenced many of the present music styling within that genre. I also like the layout, as it is not too busy on the page.
I like the way that there are multiple artists on the cover to the right of the magazine, with the text saying who they are going over the images in a bright yellow font which is not too garish. Also the rule of thirds does apply to this magazine, even though it does not show due to the images normally being central to the cover showing a bold outline of the rule of three.
I really like the poses that the musicians are pulling. Especially with Ozzy's being in reference to his tattoo on his knuckles of 'OZZY' showing off his name so potentially people know who he is even though he is an iconic person within the music industry. I also like that the images are overlapped from three(?) different artists as it creates an easier understanding of who the reader should expect to see within the magazine. Also below the writing on the left (with the black rectangle background and grey writing) there is an image which is easily recognisable and also looks like what someone may get tattooed, which then links in with Ozzy showing off his tattoo on his knuckles, and also the bearded man at the back showing off the tattoo on his arm/face.
I like the use of capital letters with a fairly average font, so that it is easy to read and no mistakes can be made with what the words say. I like the font used for the Masthead as it stands out and is bold. I also like that word 'metal' is within the 'H'. I have taken this inspiration with my magazine, placing the word 'Music' next to the 'T' or within it.
Colour Palette
I like the predominately black colour palette theme, but with the important phrases/words in yellow or red. I shall be taking the same kind of style as this within my magazine. I think that this stands out very well due to them being bright colours, yet no gender would feel like the magazine was not aimed for them as they are both relatively unisex colours.
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Contents of Metal Hammer (1) |
Layout of Contents
With the contents being over several pages I like this feature, as it gives a chance for the articles to be shown off better by giving the key information and what will attract the readers more underneath. It also allows there to be more images within the contents highlighting even more what the key features are and who the magazine is starring other than the artist/s on the cover. Also the 'With the iPad edition' it highlights what the magazine has to offer for those who have who have got the magazine digitally,and it may even include videos of interviews or live shows. I really like this feature and I may use it myself. (2) I like that on the bottom of the page there are prints of what the pages will look like so that you can gather the information easier by just looking out for the images or layout.
Images on the Contents
The images down the centre of (1) are album covers which are linked to the article which the numbers are referring too as they are linking to their best album (such as on the Rage Against The Machine image). Also on (1) there are images on the left hand page of what images presumably would be on the two page spreads of that artist/band. I like that feature as it gives the magazine an interesting theme as they give a lot away which a normal magazine would not do. Also the image on (2) I like a lot because the artist is looking up as if to look at the people who came up with the Mayan Prophecy in a disapproving way because they now have to focus on what will occur during 2013. I also like the large image as it is highlighting (again) the articles which the reader is about to come across and what they are to expect from the artist which has been featured and what is coming up with them.
Font on the Contents
The font with the information about the articles is quite plain, therefore meaning that it is easier to read as if there were a fancy italic font then it would not be very good as it would be very hard to read. Also if there was an italic font then it would not fit in with the theme of the magazine, nor would it be associated well with the genre of music which it focus' on. Also, the title fonts look like stamps with raw edges, by that I mean that with the lettering such as on an 'E' the top line and bottom would hang over slightly, I like this as it makes it look un-neat, but also something like what would be placed on band merchandise (such as Lower Than Atlantis).Colour Palette of the Contents
The colour palette is Black, white and red, barr the images. I think that this is a good approach for this magazine as bright colours would not be accepted very well by the target audience, meaning that they may be put off of buying the magazine as if the colours are wrong towards the music genre then they may assume that the music/artists that they put within the magazine is incorrect for the genre of what the magazine is supposed to be.
Additional comments for the Contents
I like the positioning of the title of the contents as I think that it is effective and you don't really need a large heading as the reader will be able to assume that the front few pages are for the contents. I also like that it is red as it makes it stand out just so that people can see the heading.

The logo of the band being on the first page (the image and then their name) is really effective and productive as it enables the reader to know straight away who the two page spread is about and whether or not they will read it. Also the left page complying to the rule of three with the two columns and the images in the middle, I think that this is effective as it enables the reader to link to the images as they are reading the article, making it easier for them to understand the article. Also, I like the positioning of the opening paragraph to the article (underneath the band name) as that also gives the reader the ability for them to see if they want to read the article or if it was already stuff which they knew about and wasn't interested in.
Images on the Double Page Spread
The image on the left is ironic with the connotations of the image due to the caption, using the word 'Died' and the use of guns which connotes the image of death and danger. Therefore it would entice the reader to read the article as they would want to use know what it is about. I may use this technique if it is proved to be a good technique on how to get someone to read an article. Also, the live image on the left hand side links in with the article which is what I am going to do anyway within my article as it will help the reader to understand the article better. Also the bottom image on the left hand side links in with the image on the right as they are both posed in a similar way to tie in the whole article.
Fonts within the Double Page Spread
The font is the same as the contents which is a clear, and small font, therefore making the article easier to read. With the font being small it enables there to be more writing within the article, meaning that the layout of the article would not be affected. However, if the font were any smaller then it would have been harder to read making the reader doubt whether they would want to read it as it would be difficult.
Colour Palette of the Double Page Spread
The colour palette of the spread is black/white (monochrome) as most of the images of the group from the age that they are in the images are in black and white. Also, the simplistic colour palette enables the reader to read the article easier as they do not get distracted by different colour changes. Also the colour palette enables the image of the group stand out more as it is the only thing on the page in colour, drawing the readers eyes to it.
Production of magazine,
Reader Profile
He regularly purchases Kerrang! Magazine or RockSound and goes to alot of concerts such as Lower Than Atlantis, You Me At Six, All Time Low, While She Sleeps and Bring Me The Horizon.
He goes to festivals such as Hevy Festival and Dowload.
He would be looking for a magazine which does not only focus on the front man of a magazine, but all of the band and would have them all on the cover and featured in the magazine.
He would be prepared to pay £3 for a weekly magazine, but £5 for a monthly magazine.
He prefers messy layouts to clean and simple, he wants to be able to know exactly what he is buying and what he shall be reading about.
Having looked at UKTribes he could be seen as a MetalHead/ Scene Kid/ Emo. My reader likes clothing such as Drop Dead, Cheer Up and Down But Not Out. This is mainly because the owners of the brands are artists which he likes, such as Bring Me The Horizon or You Me At Six.
Production of magazine,
Thursday, 24 January 2013
My Mood Board
In my mood board I have included images of the magazines that I am going to use as an inspiration for my magazine cover. I have also used an image of two of the members from AC/DC due to them being the inspiration for the type of music that I am going to do, and also what might be in the contents of my magazine.
I have also included an image of Spider-Man due to the colours of his outfit (yellow blue and red) as I think that they would be very good to be the colour theme of my magazine. This is also why I put the image of the power puff girls on there as I do think that the colours compliment each other and would look good, however they may not fit in with the genre of my magazine.
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